Support Us

Our community of supporters are at the heart of Small but Mighty Productions. Your donations give us the financial independence to produce innovative new Canadian content and create space for emerging artists.
Thank you!

Why your Support Matters

At Small but Mighty Productions, we firmly believe in creating meaningful opportunities in the arts for women and providing a platform for queer-positive, original Canadian content. Your gift, no matter the size, helps us do just that. Your support makes up the difference between our ticket sales and operational costs. This allows us to make great theatre in an environment with real resources—which most importantly includes fairly compensating our dedicated team of artists. Our supporters make this possible.

“Although we are very proud to be a Small but Mighty force in the theatre industry, it is through your generosity and support that our mandate reaches more people, and continues to positively impact the Toronto theatre scene”

- Caitlin Turner, Artistic Director

How To Donate

You can join our community of Small but Mighty Productions supporters by making a donation now—either a one time gift or a monthly membership.

One Time Support

For only $5 you can ‘buy Small But Mighty Productions a drink,’ or for $25 you can buy us a round—100% of which will be invested straight back into the company to make better and bolder theatrical productions.

Monthly Membership

For $5 a month or $50 a year, you can become a Small but Mighty Member. Monthly support provides our team with consistent and reliable funding to plan for future productions. This stability has never been more critically needed than right now.

A Monthly Membership through “Buy me a Coffee”, or any donation of $50 or more, will make you an SBM Patron of the Arts!

Benefits Include:

  • Shoutouts at our cabarets and events
  • Special shoutouts on social media
  • Playbill inclusion
  • Mention on our website

Keep an eye out for our fundraising campaign for Straight Up! Launching Oct 2024!

Donate Now

Our Supporters

We would like to give endless thank yous and praise to those individuals and businesses that have supported Small but Mighty Productions:

  • Larry Silverberg
  • Shayyaan Jafri
  • Vjera Hlozan
  • Emily Mariah
  • Paupers Pub