Current Season

love you to death poster
Past Seasons

Welcome to Small but Mighty Productions

Small but Mighty Productions was founded by Caitlin Turner and Melly Magrath in 2015. Shortly after graduating from Randolph College, Caitlin and Melly noticed the severe lack of dynamic roles for women in theatre. They decided to start a company that is focussed on creating more opportunities for women both on and off stage. Over the years, SBM has expanded their mandate to put an emphasis on new Canadian work, as well as including LGBTQ+ content in every show. In 2018, Melly stepped down from her role as a Producer and Artistic Director to pursue other opportunities, but she is still a resident writer and a huge help to the SBM team.

Over the last five years, SBM has become a place to grow and develop content. We have created several successful shows that we now want to refine, polish, and be able to license, so we can get our message out further. We are a community of artists who provide a welcoming environment for anyone who joins us, and we are so grateful to all those that have helped us along the way. We hope to eventually own our own space where we can run a season, rent to other creators, and run workshops/classes throughout the year to continue to encourage the growth of the indie Toronto theatre scene.

Cast of Space Vixens

Why we do this?

In Canadian theatre, it can be hard for underepresented voices to be heard. That's why SBM is focused on amplifying those voices with an emphasis on new Canadian works and speical consideration for female and LGBTQ+ roles, both on and off stage.

Education & Workshops

As artists, we never stop learning! That's why SBM is now offering private coachings and workshops. It is our goal to continue to help artists in Toronto hone their craft and feel confident stepping into an audition/onto a stage.

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From Stage to Screen

In 2019 SBM decided it was time to bring its mandate to the big screen... er... well the small screen at least... with it's first webseries! Straight Up! was co-produced with Nebulatte Productions was released on YouTube in December 2020. Season 2 is currently in its early stages. Stay tuned!

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